| Allison Jorgens

The Power of Resiliency

This Thanksgiving I’m grateful for the power of resiliency. Being resilient means we are okay during a challenge or crisis – and we are okay on the other side of it.

Life Happens to all of us. As a mom of a child living with Type 1 Diabetes, some days are harder than others. The unpredictability of blood sugars can quickly escalate to crisis-mode.  Each of the red circles in this photo was a medical emergency that if left untreated could quickly become life threatening.

That was a tough day. Your tough days may look different than mine, but we all have them. It’s how we refocus, readjust, and return that matters.

You’re stronger than you think.

You can do hard things.

You can always reset when you need to… as many times are you need to💙

Happy Thanksgiving🍁

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Sweet LemonAID

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Long-sleeve shirts that support your inner comfort, and a series of fun T-shirts that inspire others.